Reset product costs to $0 even in case of partial refunds
02-03-2022 -
Newest / Oldest
Brad Baum
Resetting cogs to $0 for refunds, especially partial refunds could definitely cause unintended issues for some.
For full refunds, we let customers keep the product often as it's a consumable so the COG is not $0.
For partial refunds, we may refund shipping cost or part of the order if the customer forgets to use a coupon. As long as the product is shipped that would be a real COG. What am I missing?
Agree about the resetting the shipping costs to 0 for fully cancelled orders though.
Resetting COGS for partial refunds is a solid need for us too.
Also resetting the shipping & packing costs to 0 for fully cancelled orders is also needed for us as we cancel a lot of orders before we dispatch and the above costs are actually non-existent.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Brad Baum
Resetting cogs to $0 for refunds, especially partial refunds could definitely cause unintended issues for some.
For full refunds, we let customers keep the product often as it's a consumable so the COG is not $0.
For partial refunds, we may refund shipping cost or part of the order if the customer forgets to use a coupon. As long as the product is shipped that would be a real COG. What am I missing?
Agree about the resetting the shipping costs to 0 for fully cancelled orders though.
Shan Salam
Resetting COGS for partial refunds is a solid need for us too.
Also resetting the shipping & packing costs to 0 for fully cancelled orders is also needed for us as we cancel a lot of orders before we dispatch and the above costs are actually non-existent.
Karri (Lifetimely CEO)
Status changed to: Planned